
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Future so bright: 2011

I've been avoiding this blog post. I'm not good at setting goals. That's not true; I'm great at setting goals. Following through? Not so much. So I did what I always do to when I want to avoid something: I read. I could call it "research" since I was reading many posts by other bloggers about New Year's resolutions and goals, but let's call it for what it is: avoiding a troublesome task.

I did enjoy the blogs I read; they were many and varied. Some tackled the New Year with the ferocity of a pit bull, others were calm and serene in their approach. And none helped me figure out what I wanted to do. (However, I did find a more convenient way to keep up on blogs using Twitter and Instapaper for the iPad.)

See, I've been struggling with what to do with this blog. I haven't really been posting lately which really makes me wonder why I'm doing it at all. At first I thought I had something to say, but my voice and focus was never very clear. I'm not an authority on gaming, I can only speak from experience.

Then I thought it was to stay in touch with the friends I met through podcasting. Well, Twitter seems better suited to that. The blog did start some dialogue with others on the interwebs, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for.

I generally have more ideas then I have the time to follow up on and discipline is not my strong suit; OCD is which makes writing a post take twice as long as it should. Family, work and other commitments are all making their demands known.

And then it hits me while I'm typing that last paragraph: this blog is my thing. It is more personal than almost anything else it do. I loves me some RPGs and gaming. I love talking about them, playing them, designing them and reading them. I'm not writing this for anybody but me.

So, no resolutions, no goals - it just is. Chaotic, eclectic and all over the place: that's me.

Follow your bliss,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I call cop-out. But I understand it perfectly. :-)

  2. I haven't figured out yet how to make goals work for me. So here you go: I am going to make the most of my blog and use it as a tool to work toward being the person I envision myself to be. I don't have a plan further than that at this point.

    If you have any tips or tricks that have worked for you in the past, please let me know. The realization of whether or not I was going to keep going with this blog came to me while writing this post. The way I see it, the goals will grow out of the posts organically.

    Truth be known, your blog is the primary inspiration of what I'd like my blog to be. So, keep doing what you do.

    And thanks.

  3. . . .another one opens!

    Lokniog fwarrod to wheteavr leis aehad!

    Tehy say plpoee can slitl raed wdros as lnog as the frsit and lsat lterts saty in the smae pclae.

    Waht do you tnhik?


  4. I say welcome! And yes, I can read it. Scary.
